I won NaNoWriMo

I hit 50k today. So hip hip hooray for me. I should probably go back and edit some of my earlier ones and see if I can get published. Onto crafting!

Almost finished this ornament. Just have a few stitches and then the beading

Also scrapped the turkey afghan as I wasn't going to get it done before Thanksgiving and went onto one a bit more wintery.

One or two more pieces to actually create then everything gets sewn together.

And I bought some more stash. Although compared to last year, I was really, really good. I stuck to the clearance page at abcstitch.

And I ordered threads for my Ink Circles design from 123stitch and this chart.


  1. Woohoo!! Congratulations! And beautiful choices too.

  2. Congrets and beautiful new stash :)
    Love the little owls


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