A little more progress

I've made some more progress on In the Garden. I've completed one of the 'magic wisps' that are floating around.

I also completed a few more scarves, including this one. It's really soft. I also have a fuzzy red one.

Why do I come home to find my cat sleeping on my pillows? I'm jealous. Silly kitty.

While fleshing out my story for NaNoWriMo, I've come across a problem. One of my characters, seems to be lacking a motive. He's seems to be a plot device despite the fact that I plan to write some scenes from his POV. I need to somehow figure out a sub plot and a motive of his. Protecting his sister is kind of weak. I have a little over a week to figure this out.

In the meantime I have a competition on Nov. 4 to prepare for. My rhinestones for my rose dress came on Friday. I have 5 different colors in 3 different sizes. I'll work on it a little during the coming week.


  1. Excellent progress on Garden, and I love that scarf, I haven't attempted anything with that type of yarn as yet. It seems to knit up fast for you. :)

    On the book, would it work to have this character turn nasty? Is his twin sister older by seconds so now he'll lose his fortune to her? Maybe doesn't work since it's medieval times when women didn't count for much. Or if she marries her husband will get the fortune? So this character tries to keep them apart while seeming to help the relationship? something like that?

    1. Thanks. It's fairly easy to work with once you know how. Although the one I'm working on now somehow has gotten itself twisted through itself which requires me to pull the scarf through a mesh hole to correct it. First one I've come across like that though.

      As for my character, I have him more as an observer who knows more than he lets on. His relationship with his mother has been rocky due to this. Inheritance falls to him if his parents die. I'm pretty sure the sister won't be getting a penny from the family anyway. I recently thought of possibly adding a younger sibling into the mix.

  2. Interesting idea about the characters, I was also wondering if he could have made a oath to a dying parents, but I like the thought of him as an observer with extra knowledge.

    Thanks for the info about the scarves too. I tried one with Ruffleina (I think) and it came out okay.


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