Busy, busy, busy.

Last week was midterm. Had a test Monday, which I know I got the first two questions wrong. I was looking at the answers before the test, but the names just slipped my mind. I should have the rest done just fine. Thursday I had to have 5 pages of a website done. The only critique was to fix the logo a bit and have another color other than the blues. Then Friday I walk in, the teacher splits us into two teams and gives us each a background to make a physical set for. A lighting director, set designer, lighting board controller, subject, and gaffers. The first team got a 3rd world jail cell while mine had a hallway in an abandoned-ish building. I was the set designer and had to figure out how to get around the fact that the first set of door handles were at our knees. We managed to do really well and he complimented me, twice, Go me.

Anyway, I did finish the hooded baby blanket, only took 2 days out of my regularly scheduled crocheting. The top little triangle is the hood. Baby shower was today so it's with it's new owner. Made with Bernat Baby Blanket yarn, it's really soft and fuzzy. I think chenille is the right word.

Finished the left side and started the right for the cardigan. Onyx is in her favorite spot lately.

The this is a pretty picture of my fur ball.

Onto NaNoWriMo. I picked the mute bodyguard story (aka #4) just because it had the most structure to it. #6 was the overwhelming favorite but I needed to plan it out more and I didn't have the time prior to Nov 1. But even now I realize I didn't have the beginning in mind quite as much as I thought I did and it's been a struggle the past 3 days to reach my daily word count. I've been reaching it shortly before midnight. Even as I write this I have slightly over 400 to go. Too bad this blog doesn't count. I ended up having to introduce a dragon last night and have been pulling names out of thin air. One ended up from me mashing keys and then trying to make something pronounceable out of it.


  1. Good luck with the story and I hope it gets easier, and congrats on finishing the baby blanket so quickly!


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