Bad girl

Not much craft progress this week, again. My sleeve

It's almost done though. I have added to my craft stash though. Despite my saying earlier that I wouldn't buy any more cross-stitch this year, Golden Kite's sale was too hard to resist. I procured the following patterns which I probably won't stitch for quite sometime...
Midsummer Eve

The Oriental

Dragon's Garden

The Arts - Poetry

The Arts - Painting

The Arts - Music

The Arts - Dance

The end of the Ball

The End of the Song

I am Half-Sick of Shadows

The Kittens Recital

The Crystal Ball

On Top of the World

I have 17 more on my wishlist and that's after I eliminated several that I felt I didn't like as much as when I first chose my patterns.

Then today I stopped by Joann's because they had a one day sale on Butterick and vogue patterns.

I went in for the patterns, they didn't have the newly released winter collection from Butterick in, and yarn to finish the cardigan I've been working on. Maybe an ornament (ended up with three, a stuffed horse, a cute stuffed mouse, and a bouncy penguin). I don't know what compelled me to look but I noticed this lovely silky, stretchy fabric in the clearance pile. Got 4 yards. Even the wrong side is pretty (great for a dress where that shows).

That lead me to the remnants pile, mainly because I wanted a fabric to make a covering for my wire brush.
The black in a mesh, below is a satin with glitter, panne velvet, and a purple fabric that I don't know the name of. It's somewhat satiny but not as silky. To the right is a brown (faux) suede (my brush cover), and two cotton prints. I was bad this week. But I'm excusing it as an early graduation/Christmas/birthday present to myself. 

Now onto NaNoWriMo...

I think the graphic says it all. I'll try and catch up with word count over thanksgiving break. But first I must brainstorm what to write about.

If you made it down this far, congratulations. You get to read about my dancing. I can't quite remember if I mentioned I finally got an amateur partner, but I did! We've been practicing a few months and plan to compete in latin at the Manhattan Amateur Classic in January. We'll add smooth and/or standard in later once we're both more comfortable with the other. We had a lesson today and got a new samba routine which we need to practice. Wish us luck.

 Four more weeks of school!


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