Dwts season 17: week 8

I know this is late but my DVR decided not to record the show last night so I missed all of the individual dances. Forgive me.

Corbin. He did considerably less this week, but Argentine Tango is all about the man being the frame and the lady having all the fancy steps. He was there for her and he executed the lifts well. He also had the right character for the dance. I agree with the scores.

Leah. Probably her best dance, but it was also the simplest of dances. There aren't any crazy steps in Viennese waltz and Tony kept her in hold most of the time. Her frame was not nearly where it should have been, too straight. A little high.

Brant. Not bad but that song is not a foxtrot. Too bouncy. But there were times I felt like he was either standing still, even in picture poses the guy does move a little, or it was cheerleader-esque, arms here, now here, now here. I don't think it was worth 9's.

Elizabeth. I can't really critique jazz too much. I don't know the style, but some of the moves were interesting, including whatever it was that Val did at the end. I'll agree with the scores.

Bill. Lots of cheesy moves but some interesting lifts. I barely saw basic hustle. Too high.

Jack. Not a tango, a foxtrot if anything. He held his frame well but his butt could've been tucked under a little more. I'll give him the scores.

Amber. There was no hip action. The dress with lack of fringe in that area made it very clear. And I think it may have been the choreography but there wasn't much holding on 1 as there was move, move, move. The scores were too high for what I saw. 10 Bruno? Really?

Dance off Challenge.
Corbin was a bit Pigeon toed in his new yorkers. Same critiques as before for Elizabeth. I liked Corbin's dance better.

Unfortunately Leah had to go after Peta which was not helpful for her. Especially when it comes to leg extensions. Brant did the better job. What were Carrie Ann and Cher looking at?

Both dances were weird. What is work Emma and the poofs of feathers on her butt?

And Bill remains in the competition. And Leah. Somehow.
And Brant goes home before Jack.


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