Another change and lots of pictures

I'm giving up on insanity until I get a new piece of fabric. Luckily I found a piece of 18 ct large enough to fit it without having to splice two pieces.

Since I have to get the fabric, I figured I'd look at the charts and kits on the site and I found this.

It goes on my list of, I'm definitely buying this list along with the other there John Clayton dancer series I have yet to get. Cheaper to buy it directly from England myself. I'll probably buy these within the next month or so. Ordered the fabric today along with the following HEAD charts that were on clearance.

This is the piece I'm working on now, 'Dew Drop Fairy'. It also fits with the blue theme. On the top is where I was when I picked it back up, bottom is where I am now.

Mainly worked on the leaves above her head. I was going to work on TW's Romeo and Juliet, but the working copy of the page I was on was not with the rest of the kit. I have an inkling of where it is, but I didn't feel like rummaging for it.

On my own dancing front, my teacher wants to do a showcase in May with a matrix theme. I picked up stretch faux leather over the summer and ordered the pattern I'd need the other day. So my next sewing project is a leather catsuit. Maybe after that I'll get around to one of the other two latin dresses I have the fabric for.

I got the CD I ordered from the photographer at the competition Monday. I'm including my favorites below.


  1. Love the stitching projects you bought. You will certainly be busy. Your dance photos are beautiful! What a great way to stay fit.

  2. You chose some beautiful patterns to stitch, and you are making great progress with Dew Drop Fairy :) Also, thank you for sharing your amazing dance pictures!

  3. Good stitching projects. I've got one of the HAEDs as a companion piece to Mask of Colours.

    Your dance pics are amazing. Well done for actually having an interest and pursuing it.


  4. You look great, Katie. Fabulous pics. Love the dresses. Did you make them all?!? Wow, impressive. Bet it saves you a fortune too. Can't wait to see the catsuit. You're gonna look awesome!

  5. Julie, I only made the purple/white one. I had the red one made because at the time, the design I had in my head was outside my ability to have it done in time for a performance. I bought the black one several years ago, it used to be Elena Grinyenko's.


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