DWTS Season 19: week 8

No opening number?
Lea. This routine was hit and miss for me. There were parts I liked and others fell a bit safe/flat. It could've been attacked more. I'll give them the scores but may be high depending on the other dances.

Michael. Better than last week. But he was just walking through it. No glide or flow. Not worth the 7. Barely 6s.

Janel. I liked it. I'm not used to Val being clean shaven. I'll give them the scores.

Tommy. He messed up several times and there was no attack. Not worth 7s. Not 1 point higher than Michael.

Sadie. It was well danced. I didn't care for it. I'll give them the scores.

Alfonso. I saw more hips than with the rumba. Legs should be straight but his locksteps were better then most. I agree with the scores.

Bethany. Interesting. I could've done without the part where Derek was banging on the pots. I agree with the scores.

Dance off

Alfonso versus Lea. Alfonso had more energy. Lea felt careful again. Alfonso won for me.

Sadie versus Bethany. These two were about even for me.

Michael versus Tommy. They were both pretty bad. Michael may have had a bit more content but it was awkwardly done.

And Michael is finally out.


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